"Polyester Bride" by Liz Phair is an incredible song with such an intriguing chord progression. Nonetheless, my friend introduced this song to me to show me the lyrics, which are beyond fantastic and different from your normal love song. Throughout the song, the lyrics talk about not settling down for just anyone and becoming the typical "polyester bride" but instead finding the right man. The tune represents the frustration women tend to feel when trying to discover the "right" person. Subsequently bring in a bartender who is also frustrated with the singer who is constantly complaining to him, in a way torturing him, with her stories. The concept and lyrics are utterly amazing, although it was the chord progression right in the beginning from the chorus progression in C Major to the verse progression in a D Major scale. It's brilliant and I promise you once you start the song, you won't be able to stop it and you will find yourself singing it for the rest of the week. Check this tune out and see what you think!
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